
Workshop Language and Environmental Perception in Europe

Workshop Language and Environmental Perception in Europe

Mon Oct 03 08:56:59 CEST 2022

We cordially invite you to the workshop Language and Environmental Perception in Europe.

Researchers from different disciplines will present their research in various countries of Europe and there will be an ample opportunity to discuss the role of language in the way we relate to the world.

Program (PDF)


October 10:

Presentations (up to 30 minutes each, including discussion)

Block 1 - 9:00-10:30

  1. Perceiving the environment – cognition, verbalization, emotion, sensation, creation, imagination (Přemysl Mácha, Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
  2. Trees and forest reflected by the geographical names of the Bohemian countries. An anthology of Walter Sperling’s book from the perspective of critical toponomastics (Peter Jordan, Institute of Urban and Regional Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
  3. 3. Conceptualization of landscape in Hungarian language (Katalin Rezsegi, University of Debrecen, Hungary)

(cofee break)


Block 2 - 11:00-12:30

  1. Language, Toponymy and Environmental Perception. Some Reflections from a Geographical Point of View (Joan Tort, Department of Geography, University of Barcelona, Spain)
  2. Imaging better futures. Neuromarketing as a tool to understand relationships between language and landscape? (Alexis Sancho Reinoso, University of Vienna)
  3. Identity through space names (case of Ukraine) (Galyna Zymovetz, O.O.Potebnya Institute of Linguistics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine)

(lunch break)


Block 3 - 14:00-15:30

  1. Feeling and naming home – emotional geography and toponymy of the Těšín Region, eastern Czechia (Přemysl Mácha, Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
  2. For Europe's Namesake! Re-imagining Geographies in the Atlantic World (Diane Allen West, University of the West Indies, Jamaica)

(cofee break)


Block 4 - 16:00-18:00

Discussion about possible joint research plans, theory, methodology, funding sources, publications

(dinner, a walk through the city center)