4th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance of the Slavic World
4th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance of the Slavic World
Mon Sep 18 14:47:16 CEST 2023

5.-7. 10. Lichtenštejnský palác, Malostranské náměstí 258/13, Praha 1
Etnologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. ve spolupráci s Hudební a taneční fakultou akademie múzických umění pořádá mezinárodní sympozium.
Místo konání: Lichtenštejnský palác, Malostranské náměstí 258/13, Praha 1
Více informací a abstrakty příspěvků zde:
5 October (Thursday)
9:30–10:00 Registration
10:00 Opening ceremony
Topic 1: Traditional music and dance: identity, politics, and heritization
10:30–11:30 Session 1
Chair: Rebeka Kunej
Daniela Stavělová: Folklore revival as a research topic
Mojca Kovačič: Processes of heritization of traditional music: examples from Slovenia
11:30–11:45 Coffee break
11:45–13:15 Session 2
Chair: Mojca Kovačič
Mariusz Pucia: The phenomenon of preserving musical tradition in Opole Silesia, based on
archival recordings (Raclawiczki, Smolarnia, Dziedzice: 1913–2019)
Svetlana Stepanova: Preservation of Russian national identity through the art of song in
times of crisis: “white” emigration vs. “consumer” emigration
Jana Tomková: Musical aspect of ethnic identity of Rusyns in (North-East) Slovakia
13:15–14:30 Lunch
14:30–16:00 Session 3
Chair: Zita Skořepová
Matěj Kratochvíl: Music and identity in informal music sessions of Czech folklore revival
Katarzyna Skiba: Cultural representations of national identity in the performances of
“Mazowsze” national folk songs and dances ensemble
Zigurds Ete: Ventspils Belarussian song ensemble “Žuravinka”: people, stories, repertoire
Gabriela Gacek: Musical mosaic: contemporary folk music festivals in Lower Silesia as a way
of expressing a translocal cultural heritage in a post-migration region
16:00–16:15 Coffee break
16:15–17:45 Session 4
Chair: Matěj Kratochvíl
Rebeka Kunej: Traditional dance in Resia and its heritagisation
Larysa Lukashenko: Revival Folk Performance in the Modern Culture of Ukraine
18:00–18:45 Business meeting
19:00 Opening reception, music & dance performance and workshop
6 October (Friday)
9:30–11:00 Session 5
Chair: Petr Nuska
Iryna Fedun: The concept of professionalism in Ukrainian traditional instrumental music
Michaela Šilhavíková: Reviving the capping ceremony in the Uherské Hradiště region
Tanja Halužan: Revival of the local (musical) tradition: a case from the Sutla Valley
11:00–11:15 Coffee break
11:15–12:45 Session 6
Chair: Jana Ambrózová
Maria Małanicz-Przybylska: Heritage as a choice and lifestyle
Drago Kunej: The diatonic button accordion in the representations of Slovenian traditional
Zita Skořepová: Children’s folk singing competition as a performance of regional identity and
12:45–13:45 Lunch
Topic 2: Traditional music and dance in pedagogy and education
13:45–15:15 Session 7
Chair: Iryna Fedun
Iryna Dovhaliuk and Lina Dobrianska: Modern ethnomusicological education in Ukraine
Kateřina Černíčková: Czech traditional dance and music as the “exclusive property” of
folklore ensembles? Creative pedagogical process for and with children
Jana Ambrózová: Traditional Music and Dance in Primary Schools in Slovakia: the crosscutting
theme “regional education and traditional folk culture”
15:15–15:30 Coffee break
15:30–16:30 Session 8
Chair: Maria Małanicz-Przybylska
Gergana Panova-Tekath: Local and foreign traditional dances in the academic dance
education in Bulgaria and Germany
Lili Wen: Polka, transmission, and localization in China: a study on polka in a primary school
in China
16:30–16:45 Coffee break
16:45–18:15 Petr Nuska: Hopa lide – film screening
19:00 Visit to the Czech Museum of Music
7 October (Saturday)
9:30–10:30 Session 9
Chair: Anastasiia Mazurenko
Katarína Babčáková: Innovative methods of teaching folk dance in formal and informal
education in Slovakia as a way of disseminating information about dance cultural heritage
Laura Kolačkovská: Technology and social networks as a tool for folklore ensembles survival
in the time of the covid pandemic on the example of the project “Súboriáda”
10:30–10:45 Coffee break
Topic 3: Experience and representation of war and violence in music, dance, and in
ethnomusicology of Slavic-speaking countries
10:45–12:15 Session 10
Chair: Łukasz Smoluch
Ulrich Morgenstern: Violence in culture. Perspectives for new ethnomusicological
Olga Velichkina: Folk music revival movement and violence in Russia: from subversion to
Anastasiia Mazurenko: Revival of Ukrainian traditional music in the process of developing of
national identity during the liberation war
12:15–13:30 Lunch
Topic 4: New research
13:30–15:00 Session 11
Chair: Ulrich Morgenstern
Łukasz Smoluch: Phonographic collection as a source for the history of Polish traditional
music research
Zdeněk Vejvoda: Revision of the typology of folk songs and instrumental melodies with
variable time signatures in the light of new research on Czech musical type
Lucia Franická Macková: Khorovods and Spievanie na Dura
15:00–15:15 Coffee break
15:15 Closing remarks