
Waltzing Through Europe

Waltzing Through Europe

Thu Feb 20 12:44:37 CET 2025

Webinar, Monday, March 3, 2025, 5pm

ICTMD Study Group on Ethnochoreology

Sub-Study Group “Ethnochoreology Matters”

Author’s Corner 1

Monday, March 3, 2025, 5pm (London time)

Our inaugural Author’s Corner webinar presents the following book:

Waltzing Through Europe: Attitudes Towards Couple Dances in the Long Nineteenth Century (2020). Open Book Publishers.

Editors: Egil Bakka, Theresa Jill Buckland, Helena Saarikoski, and Anne von Bibra Wharton, Authors: Egil Bakka, Lászlo Felföldi, Dorota Gremlicová, Silla Kapper, Ivana Katarinčić, Rebeka Kunej, Iva Niemčić, Mats Nilsson, Helena Saarikoski, Daniela Stavělová, JörgenTorp, and Tvrtko Zebec.

Moderator: Catherine Foley

Please do come and join us. All Welcome!

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An important aspect of the Sub-Study Group “Ethnochoreology Matters” is the development of an online presence for the field of ethnochoreology and the work that ethnochoreologists do. To this end, Author’s Corner was established to invite ethnochoreologists, dance anthropologists and other dance scholars to present and to discuss their published work.