Garry Marvin
Garry Marvin
Garry Marvin, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Oddělení ekologické antropologie
Professor of Human-Animal Studies
Department of Life Sciences
University of Roehampton, London
e-mail: marvin[at]eu.cas.cz
1982 PhD (Anthropology), University of Wales, University College Swansea
La Corrida de Toros: An Anthropological Study of Animal and Human Nature in Andalusia
1974 BA Hons, Social Sciences and History, University of East Anglia
Oblasti odborného zájmu
Vícedruhová etnografie a antropologie; rekreační lov; preparování zvířat; býčí zápasy; konflikt člověka a divoké zvěře a jeho zachování
Wolf, London: Reaktion Books, 2012.
Killing Animals (with S. Baker, J. Burt, D. Donald, E. Fudge, R. McKay, C. Palmer and C. Wilbert) University of Illinois Press, 2006.
Zoo Culture (with Bob Mullan), University of Illinois Press, 1999 (new edition).
Bullfight, University of Illinois Press, 1994 (new edition).
Články v časopisech
‘El Estudio de las Relaciones Humano-Animales en la Actual “Encrucijada Ambiental”’ (Santiago M. Cruzado and Garry Marvin) Revista Andaluza de Antropología, April 2020 pp. 4 – 30.
‘L’Animal de Zoo: Un role entre sauvage et domestique’ in Techniques & Culture (CNRS) 50, 2008, pp 102 – 119.
‘English Foxhunting: A Prohibited Practice’ in International Journal of Cultural Property, Vol. 14, No 3, pp. 339 360, 2007.
‘Sensing Nature: Encountering the World in Hunting’ in Etnofoor XVIII (1) pp. 15 – 26, 2005.
‘Seeing, Looking, Watching, Observing Nonhuman Animals’, Guest Editor’s introduction to Special Theme Issue ‘Ways of Seeing Animals’, Society and Animals 2005 Vol. 13 No. 1 pp. 1 – 11.
‘A Passionate Pursuit: Foxhunting as Performance’ in Sociological Review Vol. 52 No.1 pp. 46 – 60, 2003.
‘Animal Encounters: Challenge and Contest in English Foxhunting’ in Ludica 9 pp. 140 – 151, 2003.
‘Cultured Killers: Creating and Representing Foxhounds’ in Society and Animals, Vol. 9 No. 3 pp. 273 – 292, 2001.
‘Natural Instincts and Cultural Passions: Transformations and Performances in Foxhunting’ Performance Research 5(2) 108:115, 2000.
‘Control of the Wild in Andalusian Culture: Bull and Horse Imagery in Lorca from an Anthropological Perspective’ (with Catherine Davies), Neophilogus 71, 1987.
‘The Cockfight in Andalusia (Spain): Images of the Truly Male’ Anthropological Quarterly Vol. 57, April 1984.
‘Una orientación para una interpretación antropológica de la fiesta del “Toro Embolado”’ Kalathos Vol. 2 1982.
Kapitoly v knihách
‘Wolf: A Social and Cultural Creature’ in Sam George and Bill Hughes (eds) In the Company of Wolves: Werewolves, Wolves and Wild Children, University of Manchester Press, 2020.
‘Introduction’, Human-Animal Studies: Global Perspectives (edited with Susan McHugh), 4 volumes, Routledge, 2018.
‘Hunters’ Photographic Trophies: Memorialising Engagements and Experiences’ in Maurice Saß (ed.) Hunting Without Weapons: On the Pursuit of Images, Berlin/Boston: Walter De Gruyter GmbH (2017).
‘The Art of Fierceness: The Performance of the Spanish Fighting Bull’ in Lourdes Orozco and Jennifer Parker-Starbuck (eds) Performing Animality: Animals in Performance Practices, Palgrave Macmillan (2015).
‘The Bullfight in 21st Century Spain: Polemics of Cultures, Arts and Ethics’ (with M. Verónica De Haro De San Mateo) in Kaori Nagai et.al. Cosmopolitan Animals, Palgrave Macmillan (2015).
‘In it Together: An Introduction to Human-Animal Studies’ (with Susan McHugh) in Routledge Handbook of Human-Animal Studies (2014).
‘Enlivened Through Memory: Hunters and Hunting Trophies’ in Sam Alberti (ed.) The Afterlives of Animals, University of Virginia Press (2011) pp. 202 -217.
‘Living with Dead Animals: Trophies as Souvenirs of the Hunt’ in Nathan Kowalsky (ed.) Philosophy and Hunting’, Oxford: Blackwell-Wiley (2010) pp. 107 – 117.
‘Challenging Animals: Purpose and Process in Hunting’ in Sarah Pilgrim and Jules Pretty (eds) Nature and Culture, London: Earthscan Books (2010) pp. 143 – 159.
‘Wolves in Sheep’s and Other Clothing’ in Dorothee Brantz (ed.) Beastly Natures: Human-Animal Relations at the Intersection of Cultural and Environmental History, University of Virginia Press,(2010) pp. 59 – 78.
‘Wölfe in Schafs- und anderen Pelzen’ in Dorothee Brantz and Christof Mauch (eds) Tiere in der Geschichte, Paderborn: Schöningh (2009).
Bodies in a Landscape: Engagements, Contests and Performances in English Foxhunting’ in Simon Coleman and Tamara Kohn (eds) The Discipline of Leisure: Embodying Cultures of ‘Recreation’ Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2007.
‘Wild Killing: Contesting the Animal in Hunting’ in Killing Animals (S. Baker, J. Burt, D. Donald, E. Fudge, R. McKay, G. Marvin, C. Palmer and C. Wilbert) University of Illinois Press, 2006.
‘A Passionate Pursuit: Foxhunting as Performance’ in Bronislaw Szersynski, Wallace Heim and Claire Waterton (eds) Nature Performed: Environment, Culture and Performance, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2003.
‘Unspeakability, Inedibility, and the Structures of Pursuit in the English Foxhunt’ in Nigel Rothfels (ed.) Representing Animals, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002.
‘The Problem of Foxes: Legitimate and Illegitimate Killing in the English Countryside in J. Knight (ed.) Natural Enemies: People-Wildlife Conflicts in Anthropological Perspective, London: Routledge, 2000.