Kieran O’Mahony
Kieran O’Mahony
Dr. Kieran O’Mahony, MSc., Ph.D.
Oddělení ekologické antropologie
E-mail: omahony[at]eu.cas.cz
Twitter: @totheeast
2019 PhD in City and Regional Planning, Cardiff University, UK
Dissertation title: Feral Bo(a)rderlands: living with and governing wild boar in the Forest of Dean, England.
2013 MSc in Environmental Management (Countryside and Protected Area Management), Birkbeck (University of London), UK
Dissertation title: What are the pressures surrounding important bird areas on the Deben Estuary, Suffolk?
Oblasti odborného zájmu
Více než lidská geografie; vícedruhová etnografie; biologická bezpečnost a management divoké zvěře; rewilding, ekologická obnova a kulturní krajiny; „divoké“ bytosti; etika a praxe nelidské péče.
O'Mahony, K. 2020. Blurring boundaries: Feral rewilding, biosecurity and contested wild boar belonging in England. Conservation and Society 18(2), pp. 114-125. (10.4103/cs.cs_19_39)
Wynne-Jones, S., Clancy, C., Holmes, G., O’Mahony, K., and Ward, K. 2020. Feral political ecologies?: The biopolitics, temporalities and spatialities of rewilding. Conservation and Society 18(2), pp. 71-76. (10.4103/cs.cs_20_67)
O'Mahony, K., Corradini, A. and Gazzola, A. 2018. Lupine becomings: tracking and assembling Romanian wolves through multi-sensory fieldwork. Society and Animals 26(2), pp. 107-129. (10.1163/15685306-12341501)
O'Mahony, K. 2017. Wild boar in the Dean: Welcome back?. ECOS: A review of conservation 38(1).