Laura Kuen
Laura Kuen
Laura J. Kuen, M.A.
Oddělení ekologické antropologie
e-mail: kuen@eu.cas.cz
2018 MA in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany.
Dissertation title: Our Freedom – A Multimodal Ethnographic Gaze into Rural Russia.
2015 BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany.
Dissertation title: The Atmosphere of Eating in a Family Environment.
2020 – Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
2020 Deutsches Museum in Munich, Germany
2019 – 2020 Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
2017 – 2018 Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
2017 Munich Center for Technology in Society, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Výzkumné zájmy
environmental humanities, kurátorství a etnografický film, postsovětský prostor, vícedruhový výzkum, vizuální a multisenzorická antropologie
2019 Ecopolis München: Umwelt- und Entdeckungsgeschichten. (Ecopolis Munich:Environmental Stories of Discovery) exhibition catalogue. Munich: Rachel Carson Center. Co-edited with Gesa Lüdecke and Christof Mauch.
2018 Forschungsjournal 2017. Studentische Feldforschungen am Institut für Ethnologie. (Research Journal 2017. Ethnographic Student Research at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology) Munich: Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology. Co-edited with Martin Sökefeld.
Články v časopisech
2020 Lessons from the Garden: What Dachas Can Tell Us About Russian Civil Society. Вестник Набережночелнинского государственного педагогического университета (Herald of Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University, Tatarstan) 1(1): 42-49.
2018 ‘Our Freedom’: Sovereignty in Rural Russia. Journal of Extreme Anthropology 2(2). with Yury Snigirev
2017 Zu Gast und zu Hause oder Wo sich in Russland die Freiheit findet. (Being a Guest and being at Home or Where Freedom is found in Russia.) Research Journal 2016 - Ethnographic Student Research at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology. with Yury Snigirev
Online publikace
2019 Ecopolis Munich: Environmental Stories of Discovery. Seeingthewoods.
2017 Democratic Green. Ecopolis Munich, L. Sasha Gora (ed.). Environment & Society Portal, Virtual Exhibitions 2017, no. 2. Rachel Carson Center. with Marlen Elders und Maya Schmitt
2017 Danube: Environments, Histories, and Cultures: Vienna – Bratislava. Seeingthewoods.
Dokumentární filmy
2017 Our Freedom. (Russian and German with English subtitles, 52 min)
2014 Sitz!Platz!Aus! – Aber a Hund war er scho... (German, 34 min)