Social and Cultural Change in Contemporary Central Europe
Social and Cultural Change in Contemporary Central Europe
The project aims to bring together anthropologists and ethnologists from the Visegrad member countries for a two-day conference in Prague (May 26-27, 2014) where they will present and learn of the latest results of their ongoing research on social and cultural change in Central Europe. The conference will be a forum designed to strengthen existing cooperations and create new ties among social scientists who work at academic and scientific institutions in the Visegrad countries. By creating a regional platform, we hope to generate ties and solidarities that will result in research partnerships that will help make local research more manifest on the international arena. The coordinators at project partner institutions are editors of leading scientific publications and leaders in international professional associations (European Association of Social Anthropologists, World Council of Anthropological Associations, European University Association) with a record of prior cooperation and a commitment to the advancement of Central European research worldwide. Conference presenters will be asked to prepare texts which will be included in one of two English-language scientific publications, which will be distributed internationally. The first publication will be a thematic English-language issue of an anthropological journal which will be available in open access format on-line. The other publication will be a book, a collection of texts to be published within an anthropological series of a leading international publisher.
Conference: Rethinking Anthropologies in Central Europe for Global Imaginaries (May 26 - 27, 2014, Vila Lanna, Prague, Czech Republic)
Social and Cultural Change in Contemporary Central Europe
International Visegrad Fund Standard Grant Project (21320085)
Rethinking Anthropologies in Central Europe for Global Imaginaries
(May 26 - 27, 2014, Vila Lanna, Prague, Czech Republic)
Call for Papers
The year 2014 marks the 25th anniversary since the end of state-socialisms in Central Europe and a quarter-of-a-century of anthropological research on changes in the region. After the initial period when much of our scholarship was conceptualized relationally to the past through such frameworks as transition, transformation, post-socialism or post-communism, anthropologists are making efforts to move beyond the logic of Cold-War binaries to frameworks that bring the anthropology in/of Central Europe explicitly into conversation with conceptual developments based on ethnographic research carried out in other parts of the globe.
During a two-day workshop in Prague (May 26-27, 2014), we would like to learn from each other's efforts to engage in the building of global research imaginaries through theoretically rigorous conceptualization of our ethnographic explorations. The meeting will be followed by two publications (thematic volume of Cargo - Journal for Cultural/Social Anthropology and an edited volume published with an international publisher). The language of the conference and publications will be English. Please send a 100 - 200 word abstract to Hana Cervinkova at hana@post.pl by February 28, 2014, indicating your institutional affiliation. Notifications on selections by the Scientific Committee will be made by March 8. Participation in the workshop is free of charge. Thirteen participants from the Visegrad member countries will receive travel reimbursement and room and board through the project funding by the International Visegrad Fund. Other participants have to (fully or partly) cover their travel and accommodation expenses.
Scientific Committee:
Alexandra Bitušíková
Michał Buchowski
Hana Červinková
Vlad Naumescu
Zdeněk Uherek
The conference and publications are sponsored through the International Visegrad Fund Standard Grant for the project 21320085 Social and Cultural Change in Contemporary Central Europe.
Project Leader: The Institute of Ethnology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Prague
Project Partners: Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica (Slovakia), Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań, Poland), Central European University (Budapest, Hungary)