Filip Herza
Filip Herza
Mgr. Filip HERZA, Ph.D.
Department of Critical Heritage Studies
tel.: +420 222 828 602
e-mail: herza@eu.cas.cz
ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2604-3124
2018 Ph.D. in anthropology, Charles University Prague, Faculty of Humanities
2012 Mgr. in anthropology, Charles University Prague, Faculty of Humanities
2009 Bc. in humanities, Charles University Prague, Faculty of Humanities
Research interests
empire; minor colonial cultures; body; race; governmentality; STS; museums and critical museology
Recent publications
2022. Colonial Czechoslovakia? Overseas and Internal Colonization in The Interwar Czechoslovak Republic, Interventions, DOI: 10.1080/1369801X.2022.2157309
2022 Czech Colonialism? Historical Legacy and Current Challenges. In: Soft Spots. edited by Rado Ištok, Renan Laru-an, Piotr Sikora and Tereza Stejskalová, 239-254. tranzit.cz and Spector Books.
2021 Engineering Socialist Integration in the Age of Normalisation: Roman and People with Disabilities as Objects of Care in Socialist Czechoslovakia. In: Re/imaginations of Disability in State Socialism. Edited by Kateřina Kolářová and Martina Winkler, 167-214. Campus Verlag. (with Kateřina Kolářová)
2020 Imaginace jinakosti: Přehlídky lidských kuriozit v Praze 19. a 20. století. Praha: Scriptorium.
2020 Colonial Exceptionalism: Post-colonial Scholarship and Race in Czech and Slovak Historiography. Slovak Ethnology/Slovenský národopis, 68 (2): 175–187.
2019 Sombre Faces: Race and Nation-building in the Institutionalisation of Czechoslovak Anthropology 1890s-1920s. History and Anthropology, 31 (3): 371-392.
2019 Faces of Masculinity: Shaving Practices and The Popular Exhibitions Of 'Hairy Wonders' in Early 20th Century Prague. In: Beauty and the Norm: Debating Standardization in Bodily Appearance, Sarah Böllinger and Ulf Vierke, 23-44. Palgrave Macmillan.
2019 Kolářová, K., Herza, F. Ne/způsobilost jako nová kategorie sociálních věd. Sociologický časopis 55 (5): 549-560.
2016 Anthropologists and Their Monsters: Ethnicity, Body and Ab/normality In Early Czech Anthropology. East Central Europe 43 (1-2): 64-98.
2016 Black Don Juan and the Ashanti From Asch: Representations Of 'Africans' In Prague And Vienna, 1892–1899. In: Visualizing the Orient: Central Europe And the Near East in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Adéla Jůnová Macková, Lucie Storchová, and Libor Jůn, 95-106. Prague: Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (AMU), Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU).
2021 – 2022 Aleš Hrdlička and the Scientific Networks in the Transatlantic World (Fulbright-Masaryk Fellowship - University of Chicago)
2017 – 2019 Post-/Socialist Modernity and social and cultural politics of disability and disablement (Czech Science Foundation, GA17-12454J)
2016 – 2018 CEFRES Fellowship (Prague)
2016 Collegium Carolinum Fellowship (Munich)
2015 – 2016 Visegrad Individual Fellowship (CEU - Budapest)
2014 Aktion Individual Fellowship (Uni Wien - Vienna)
CASA - Czech Association for Social Anthropology (member)
SIEF (member)