
Johana Kłusek

Johana Kłusek


Johana Klusek_official

Johana Kłusek, PhD

Department of Memory Studies
Postdoctoral Researcher

Address: Puškinovo náměstí 447/9, 160 00 Prague 6, Czechia


ASEP; ORCID;; Google Scholar


2023    Ph.D., Modern History, Charles University, Prague
2017    Mgr., Western European Studies, Charles University, Prague
2014    Bc., International Area Studies, Charles University, Prague


Anglophilia, Imagology, Second World War, Cold War, National Identity, History from Below, Cultural History, Czechoslovakia, Transnational History, East-West Relations


My research explores Anglophilia as a significant affirmative ideology and its role in the socio-cultural and political processes of modern history. I focus on the example of Czech affirmative Othering of Britain during the tumultuous 1940s, a period when the national community faced its greatest existential crisis. Among the key phenomena I examine is the flexibility of Anglophilia as a cultural construct, which allows those engaging in the discourse to rationalize a wide range of ideological positions—whether liberalism, nationalism, or socialism. Currently, I am working on my first book, which will delve deeply into this topic.

In addition, I am preparing my second project, Domesticity as the Unforeseen Hero of the 1960s: Forsyte’s Traveling across the Iron Curtain. It examines domesticity as a transnational value during the late 1960s and early 1970s and reconstructs the perceptions and intuitions of The Forsyte Saga viewers regarding social and gender norms.


Journal Articles  

2022    Our Second Capital on the Banks of the Thames: The Evolution of the Anglophilia of Czechoslovak Exiles in Britain during Second World War. Central Europe 20(1–2): 29–44.

Book Chapters

2024    Czechoslovak Media Scene in 1938: A Lack of Media-Induced Anxiety and the Origins of the ‘Munich Treason’. In: Dooley, Brendan – Wilkinson, Alexander Samuel (eds.): Exciting News! Event, Narration and Impact from Past to Present. Leiden: Brill, pp. 281–296.

2021    Porevoluční ideové diskurzy Václava Klause: Socialismus, kapitalismus a nové lepší zítřky à la paní Thatcherová. In: Agha, Petr – Géryk, Jan (eds.): Otisky sametové revoluce: Kde přebývá devětaosmdesátý? Praha: Karolinum, pp.45–66.


Teaching Experience

2020–2021      Postgraduate Teaching Assistant, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, United Kingdom

2019–2020      Tutor, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

2018–2019      Tutor, Charles University, Prague

Invited Talks, Public Lectures or Roundtables

2024    December, 5. Top Hat for Everyone: Czech Anglophilia Amid the Tumult of 1940s. Invited lecture, Department of History, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Ireland

2024    February, 28. České přivlastňování si Británie v mediálním diskurzu v letech 1939–1948 . Invited lecture, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague

Conference and Workshop Organisation

2025    July, 14-18. Memory Studies Association Conference: Beyond Crises: Resilience and (In)stability. (member of the local organisation team)