
Kateřina Králová

Kateřina Králová

Prof. PhDr. Kateřina KRÁLOVÁ, Ph.D.

tel.: (+420) 220 303 920


ORCID: 0000-0001-9475-7933


Personal profile


  • Ph.D. – 2010 – Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague (Modern History) – doctoral thesis Coming to Terms with the Nazi Past in the Context of Greek-German Relations
  • M.A. – 2002 – Philosophische Fakultät, Philipps-Universität, Marburg (Political Science, German Language and Literature)


  • 2021/2022 – Institut für Slawistik und Hungarologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin – Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Research Fellowship for Experienced Scientists
  • 2020/2021 – Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies – research fellow
  • 2017, 2018 – Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies, Regensburg – visiting research fellow
  • 2015/2016 – Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, USHMM, Washington D.C. – Sosland Family Fellow
  • 2008/2009 – Yale University – Fulbright-Masaryk Research Scholarship
  • 2006/2007 – Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf – DAAD doctoral scholarship
  • 2003/2004 – University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki – PhD Scholarship of the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY)
  • 1999/2000 – Philipps-Universität Marburg – study scholarship


  • Since 2024 – Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences
  • Since 2005 – Institute of International Studies, FSS CUNI


  • Institute of International Studies, FSS CUNI

Areas of Interest

  • Contemporary European history, Holocaust and Memory Studies, post-conflict society, historical migration, modern history of Greece


  • Slow Memory – Transformative Practices for Times of Uneven and Accelerating Change (COST Action: CA20105, 2021–2025) – core group member, co-leader of the working group Welfare
  • Violence, Trauma and Justice (UNCE/HUM/009, 2018–2023) – senior researcher
  • Beyond Hegemonic Narratives and Myths. Troubled Pasts in the History and Memory of CE- & SE-Europe (PRIMUS/HUM/12, 2017–2019, 2019–2021) – principal investigator
  • “We had to live, we had to survive somehow…” Jews in Greece, 1944–2012 (GA ČR 16-16009S, 2016–2018) – principal investigator


Books and editorship

  • 2024. Responding to Mass Atrocities in Southeast Europe: History and Memory of World War II and its Aftermath in European Perspective. Journal of Modern European History (Special Issue, edited with Ferhedbegović, Sabina).
  • 2023. Troubled Pasts and Memory Politics in Central and Southeastern Europe. Nationalities Papers 51: 3 (Special Issue, edited with Asavei, Maria Alina).
  • 2023. Memory Cultures since 1945: German-Southeast European Entangled History. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang (edited with Ferhedbegović, Sabina and Voß, Christian).
  • 2019. Diverse Perspectives on Jewish life in Southeast Europe. Abingdon: Routledge (edited with Vulesica, Maria and Antoniou, Giorgos).
  • 2016/2017. Das Vermächtnis der Besatzung: Deutsch-griechische Beziehungen seit 1940. Köln: Böhlau (2016), BPB (2017).
  • 2016. Minderheiten im sozialistischen Jugoslawien. Brüderlichkeit und Eigenheit. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang (edited with Kocián, Jiří and Pikal, Kamil).

Book chapters

  • Le cimetière fantôme de Thessalonique. In: Barzilai, Martin: Cimetière fantôme – Thessalonique. Paris: Creaphis Editions: 187–202.
  • Memory Landscapes in Ruins: The Example of the Hirsch Quarter in Thessaloniki. In: Ferhedbegović, Sabina – Králová, Kateřina – Voß, Christian (eds.): Memory Cultures since 1945: German-Southeast European Entangled History. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag: 35–49.
  • What is True and What is Right? An Infant Jewish Orphan’s Identity. In: Schmidt, Christine – Bardgett, Suzanne – Stone, Dan (eds.): Beyond Camps and Forced Labour. Cham: Palgrave: 105–123.
  • German Collective Guilt in the Narratives of South-East European Holocaust Survivors. In: Molnar, Christopher – Zakic, Mirna: German-Balkan Entangled Histories in the Twentieth Century. Pittsburg: University of Pittsburg Press: 114–133 (with Kocián, Jiří).
  • Being and Holocaust Survivor in Greece: Narratives of the Post-War Period, 1944–1953. In: Antoniou, Giorgos – Moses, A. Dirk (eds.): The Holocaust in Greece. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 304–326.
  • Reparationsforderungen: Umfang, Rechtsfragen, politische Rahmenbedingungen. In: Klemm, Ulf-Dieter – Schultheiß, Wolfgang (eds.): Die Krise in Griechenland. Ursprünge, Verlauf, Folgen. Berlin: Campus Verlag & BPB: 299–325 (with Karasová, Nikola).

Journal Articles

  • Nazi crimes, Max Merten and His Prosecution as Reflected in Greece and Beyond. Journal of Modern European History 22 (2): 169–187 (with Lagos, Katerina).
  • Troubled Pasts and Memory Politics in Central and Southeastern Europe. Nationalities Papers 51 (3): 512–517 (with Asavei, Maria Alina).
  • The Holocaust Museum of Greece, Thessaloniki: Place of Whose Memory? Nationalities Papers 51 (3): 622–643 (with Karasová, Nikola).
  • Matalon Family Secrets: Silenced Memories and Network Dynamics in Holocaust Testimonies. S:I.M.O.N. Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation. 9 (2): 51–66.
  • Hachsharot in Greece, 1945–1949: Camps or Vocational Centers? Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History 21 (1): 75–102.
  • Breaking out of Silence: Victims of the 1944 Distomo Massacre in Greek-German Relations. Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen 61 (2–3): 81–91.
  • The Voices of Greek Child Refugees in Czechoslovakia. Journal of Modern Greek Studies 38 (1): 131–158 (with Hofmeisterová, Karin).
  • Diverse Perspectives on Jewish life in Southeast Europe. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 17 (2): 155–163.
  • “Being traitors.” Post-war Greece in the Experience of Jewish Partisans. Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 17 (2): 263–280.
  • The ‘Holocausts’ in Greece: Victim Competition in the Context of Postwar Compensation for Nazi Persecution. Holocaust Studies 23 (1–2): 149–175.
  • In the Shadow of the Nazi Past: Post-War Reconstruction and the Claims of the Jewish Community in Salonika. European History Quarterly 46 (2): 262–290.

Other activities


  • Memory Studies Association – Scholars at Risk board member & local organizer of the MSA Annual Conference (Prague 2025)
  • Fulbright Commission Czech Republic – Board member
  • Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft – partner
  • Greek Oral History Association
  • Research Centre for Memory Studies, Institute of International Studies, FSS CUNI – head
  • Herzl Centre of Israel Studies, Charles University – co-founder and deputy director
  • CEU Press series “Memory, Heritage and Public History in Central and Eastern Europe” – Editorial Advisory Board Member
  • Journal of Contemporary History, ICH CAS – Editorial Board Member
  • Czech Historical Review, IH CAS – Editorial Board Member
  • Slavonic Review, IH CAS – Editorial Board Member
  • Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University – Scientific Board Member
  • COOPERATIO History, Charles University – Board Member
  • Modern History – doctoral programme, Institute of International Studies, FSS CUNI – Board Member


  • 2018 – Honorary Research Associate, Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies, Regensburg DE
  • 2017 – Learned Society, CZ - Under 40 Scientist Award
  • 2013 – Miroslav Ivanov Award for non-fiction literature published in the last three years for the book Králová – Tsivos, Our Tiers Dried Out (Dokořán)
  • 2002 – DAAD Award for the Best Foreign Student of the Year