Nikola Balaš
Nikola Balaš
Mgr. Nikola Balaš, Ph.D.
Department of Critical Heritage Studies
tel.: +420 222 828 604
2005–2009 – Bc. ZČU v Plzni, sociální a kulturní antropologie
2009–2011 – Mgr., ZČU v Plzni, sociální a kulturní antropologie
2015–2020 Ph.D., Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta humanitních studií
Research interests
I am keen on finding new avenues for understanding state socialism that once ruled Eastern Europe. I am interested in exploring the paradoxes of state socialism as well as phenomena that defy our contemporary understanding of the regime. My current research covers three main aspects. First, I focus on how the regime directly and indirectly shaped knowledge production. Second, I am interested in the peculiar nature of power relations. Third, I am interested in the largely unperceived continuities between the socialist and post-socialist era. I cover all three aspects in my nascent book on Czechoslovak ethnography and folklore studies with the working title An Ethnographic Chiefdom: The Epistemic Arrest and Knowledge Production in Czechoslovak Ethnography and Folklore Studies 1969–1989.
I am an avid reader, passionate about sociological theory, sociocultural anthropology and philosophy, with a penchant for complexity and paradox, prejudiced against reduction.
2012–2013 – Durham University, Department of Anthropology, Erasmus
Recent publications
2019. Antropologové v pasti? Teorie vědy / Theory of Science, XLI (1): 133–149.
2018. Academia without Contention? The Legacy of Czechoslovak Ethnography and Folklore Studies in Czech Anthropology. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review, 54 (3): 343–370.
2016. Čím vším může být sociokulturní antropologie. Český lid / The Czech Ethnological Journal, 103 (3): 473–490.
2015. On Dualism and Monism in Anthropology: The Case of Clifford Geertz. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford, VII (2): 128–152.
2015. Anthropology Limited. Studying Anthropology in the Czech Republic (and England). Cargo: Časopis pro kulturní/sociální antropologii, 12(1–2): 75–88.
2012. Pokrok ve společenskovědní teorii náboženství: Mezi Durkheimem a Geertzem. Teorie vědy / Theory of Science, XXXIV (4): 495–514.
CASA (Board member since 2021)
SIEF (člen)
SIEF Young Scholar Prize awardee (2023)