
Paul G. Keil Ph.D

Paul G. Keil Ph.D



Paul G. Keil Ph.D

Department of Ecological Anthropology


Address: Na Florenci 3, 110 00 Prague 1, Czechia
Tel.:     +420 222 828 601

ASEP; ResearchGate; Google Scholar


2017    Ph.D., Anthropology, Macquarie University, Australia
2011    Bachelor of Arts Honours, Anthropology, Macquarie University
2010    Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Macquarie University
2002    Bachelor of Design Honours, Visual communication. University of Technology, Sydney


More-than-human ethnography; interspecies teamwork; anthropology of hunting; wildlife coexistence; 4E cognition; aesthetics; vulnerability; wildlife co-existence; ecological anthropology; environmental humanities; environmental history; cognitive science.


My current and predominant line of enquiry focuses on pig hunting in New South Wales, Australia. Through ethnographic fieldwork I engage with questions related to interspecies collaboration and perception, aesthetics and ethics. In connection, I explore biosecurity practices and discourse related to the management of feral animals in Australia, taking into consideration shifting and plural perspectives on these animals and the environment.

My Ph.D. and ongoing research focus has been on human-elephant interactions in wild and domestic contexts Northeast India. Specifically, my ethnographic fieldwork on forms of copresence beyond conflict, and maps out the multi-faceted array of encounters at a single site, analysing the tensions and contradictions inherent to sharing with wildlife and the forms of vulnerability present for human and nonhuman alike.



2024    The Presence of Elephants: Sharing lives and landscapes in Assam. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge.

Edited Volumes and Special Issues

2023    Composing Worlds with Elephants: Interdisciplinary dialogues. Paris: Institut de recherche pour le développement.  (co-editors Lainé, N., Rahmat, K.)

Journal Articles  

2023    Unmaking the Feral: The shifting relationship between free-roaming pigs and settler Australians. Environmental Humanities 15 (2).

2023    Dodo dilemmas: Conflicting ethical loyalties in conservation social science research. Area 55(2): 245-253. (co-authors Fair H., Schreer, V., Kiik, L., Rust, N.)

2022     Ageing together: Interdependence in the memory compensation strategies of long-married older couples. Frontiers in Psychology, 13: 854051. (co-authors Harris, C.B., Sutton, J., McIlwain, N., Harris, S.A., Barnier, A.J., Savage, G. & Dixon, R.A.)

2021    Rank Atmospheres: the more-than-human scentspace and aesthetics of a pigdogging hunt, The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 32, 96-113.

2020    On the Trails of Free-Roaming Elephants: Human-Elephant Mobility and History across the Indo-Myanmar Highlands. Transfers 10, 2-3.

2017   Uncertain human-elephant encounters in North-East India. Journal of Religious and Political Practice, 3(3), 196-211.

2017    “Going episodic”: collaborative inhibition and facilitation when long-married couples remember together. Memory, 25(8), 1148-59. (co-authors Harris, C.B., Barnier, A.J., Sutton, J., & Dixon, A)

2015    Human-Sheepdog Distributed Cognitive Systems: An analysis of interspecies scaffolding at a sheepdog trial. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 15(5), 508-529.

2014    Couples as socially distributed cognitive systems: Remembering in everyday social and material contexts. Memory Studies, 7 (3), 285-297. (co-authors Harris, C.B., Barnier, A.J., Sutton, J.)

2014    Reaping what they sow: The benefits of remembering together in intimate couples. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 3(4), 261-265. (co-authors Barnier, A.J., Priddis, A.C., Broekhuijse, J., Harris, C.B., Cox, R., Congleton, A.R., Addis, D.R.)

2011   We Remember, We Forget: Collaborative Remembering in Older Couples. Discourse Processes, 46 (4), 267-303. (co-authors Harris, C.B., Barnier, A. J., Sutton, J.)

2010    The psychology of memory, extended mind and socially distributed remembering. Phenomenology of Cognitive Science, 9 (4), 521-560. (co-authors Harris, C.B., Barnier, A. J., Sutton, J.)

2010     How did you feel when “The Crocodile Hunter” died? Voicing and silencing in conversation influences memory for an autobiographical event. Memory, 18(2), 185-197. (co-authors Harris, C. B., Barnier, A. J., Sutton, J.)

Book Chapters

2023    Introduction, In Laine, N., Keil, P. & Rahmat, K. (eds.) Composing Worlds with Elephants. Paris: Institut de recherche pour le développement. .  (co-authors Lainé, N., Rahmat, K.)

2023    Must as a biosocial event. In Laine, N., Keil, P. & Rahmat, K. (eds.) Composing Worlds with Elephants. Paris: Institut de recherche pour le développement.

2023    Lantana Elephants. In Laine, N., Keil, P. & Rahmat, K. (eds.) Composing Worlds with Elephants: Interdisciplinary dialogues (101-109). Paris: Institut de recherche pour le développement. (Co-author Nayar, S.)

2022    Human-elephant worlds in Northeast India. In J. Wouters & T. Subba (eds.) Routledge Companion to Northeast India. New Delhi: Routledge. (co-author Lainé, N.)

2016    Elephant-Human Dandi: How Humans and Elephants Move Through the Fringes of Forest and Village in Assam. In P. Locke & J. Buckingham (eds.), Rethinking Human-Elephant Relation in South Asia (pp. 197-223). New Delhi: Oxford University Press, India.


Ongoing projects and grants

2023    Veterinarization of Europe? Hunting for wild boar futures in the time of African swine fever. European Research Council Consolidator Grant (866350). Postdoctoral Researcher.

Past Projects and Grants

2021    “Hunting the Unruly Pigs of the New Wild: An anthropology of recreational pig hunting” Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action CZ: FERALHUNT  (EF20_079/0017525) Mezinárodní mobilita výzkumných, technických a administrativních pracovníků výzkumných organizací, January 2021- December 2022. Principal investigator

2016    “Human-Elephant Entanglements” Postgraduate Research Fund (PGRF), Macquarie University.

2014    “Human-elephant relations beyond conflict in Assam” Prime Minister's Australia Asia Endeavour Outgoing Postgraduate Scholarship

2012    "Belief in memory". Macquarie University, CCD 2012 Cross Program Support Scheme (co-investigators Barnier, A., (PI) Savage, G. D.R. Addis, R. Cox, J. Sutton, N. Bullot, C. Harris, M. Irish, E. Connaughton, A. Cordonnier, A. Selwood, M. Temler, K. Williamson, A. Devitt.)


Editorial Work

2012-14     Student Anthropologist Journal. Editorial Board.

Board Memberships

Ongoing          Coexistence Consortium, NGO, Bangalore India

External Reviewing

Project Evaluation: National Science Centre Poland

Journal Articles Manuscript Review: American Ethnologist; Cultural Anthropology; South Asia: Journal of South Asia; Environmental History; Humanimalia; Behavioural Processes; Animal Cognition; Anthropology Today; ISIS; Conservation and Society; Topoi; Society & Animals; The Australian Journal of Anthropology.

Doctoral Thesis Examination: University of Milan


Invited Talks, Public Lectures, or Roundtables

2023    April 25. Human-elephant co-existence in Assam. Department of Environmental Studies, Masaryk University.

2021    April 14.  Ethnographic research on interspecies teamwork. Institute of Environmental Studies, Charles University

Conference and Workshop Organisation

2024    June, 23-26. Uncertain methods, elusive lives: exploring the methodological and relational horizons of doing research with more-than-humans. Panel session. European Association of Social Anthropology (EASA) Biannual Conference. Barcelona. (Co-conveners O’Mahony, K., Chu, K.)

2024    June, 16-19. Symbiotic methods: more-than-human companions for knowing. Panel session. European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST)/Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Joint Conference. Amsterdam. (Co-conveners O’Mahony, K., Szczygielska, M., Kuen, L.)

2023    March 21-23. Pig Worlds and Porcine Multiplicity in the Anthropocene. Panel session at Finish Anthropological Society Conference 2023, Relations and Beyond. (Co-conveners O’Mahony, K., Vate, V.)

2022    November 27-29. What is hunting? Institute of Ethnology, CAS. Prague. (Co-convenors Broz, L., Gieser, T., von Essen, E.)

2021    May 19. Peer Review: Practical and Critical Perspectives. Institute of Ethnology, CAS. Prague.

2020    December 13-15. Composing Worlds with Elephants: a multidisciplinary dialogue on human-elephant relations. Online, 3-day conference. (Co-convenors Lainé, N., Rahmat, K.)

2019   September 11-12. Belonging, Prosperity and Security in a More-than-human world. Institute of Ethnology, CAS. Prague. (Co-convenors Broz, L., Vaté, V, Capponi, G.)

Public Outreach and Online Essays

2023    The Elephant Eclectic – A multidisciplinary bibliography of the Asian elephant -

2022    Szczygielska M, Kuen L.J., O’Mahony K, and Keil P. G. Feral ethics. Thinking feral with pigs. New Alphabet School (HKW).