Pavel Horák
Pavel Horák
2018 Ph.D., Study of Religions, University of Pardubice
2013 M.A., Study of Religions, University of Pardubice
2011 B.A., Study of Religions, University of Pardubice
New religious movements; History of religion, Anthropology of religion; Magic; Esotericism; Occultism; Religion and nationalism; Critical Heritage Studies; Heritage and Religion.
My research focuses on alternative religions. For almost a decade, I studied contemporary Paganism; in recent years, I shifted my focus to esotericism, occultism, and critical heritage studies. I enjoy combining perspectives and methods from different fields to study alternative religions and spirituality.
While researching contemporary Paganism, I conducted extensive fieldwork across Europe (Belgium, Czechia, Ireland, Slovenia, and the UK). This research has led to several publications challenging traditional Christian-centric approaches in Pagan studies, culminating in my forthcoming book From a False Religion to Contemporary Paganism.
My work in critical heritage studies focuses on religious heritage in the Czech borderlands, where I have contributed to establishing the Central and Eastern European chapter of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies. This research explores heritage-from-below activities and controversies around Pagan sacred sites.
Currently, my main focus is on esotericism, where I pursue two main directions. First, through my Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship at the University of Vienna (2023–2026), I investigate the relation between occultism, nationalism, and ethnicity in Central Europe. Second, my emerging research focuses on the intersections between occultism and science in state socialist Central and Eastern Europe (1945-1990), combining approaches from religious studies, social anthropology, sociology of knowledge, and Cold War studies.
2024 Návrat starých bohů: od falešného náboženství k modernímu pohanství. [Return of the Old Gods: From a False Religion to Modern Paganism] Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny.
Edited Volumes and Special Issues
2024 Occultism and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe. The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series 17(1) (co-editor Kotkowska, Karolina Maria).
Journal Articles
2024 Introduction: Studying the Complex Histories of the Occult and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe. The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series 17(1): 7–11. (co-author Kotkowska, Karolina Maria)
2023 Universalia, the Society of Czechoslovak Hermeticists: Between Occult Universalism and Nationalism. Aries: Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism 23(1): 55–83.
2023 Translating Esotericism: Czech. Correspondences: Journal for the Study of Esotericism. 11: 59–65.
2022 Discovering Slavic Mythology between East and West: Folklore Research and the Pagan Past in the Service of Nation-Building. Folklore 133(4): 463–486.
2022 ‘If the Base Fundamentals Are Too Much for You…’: Reconsidering the Existence of Doctrines in Modern Paganism. Nova Religio: Journal of Emergent and Alternative Religions 26(2): 30–48.
2021 Magic between Europe and India: On Mantras, Coercion of Gods, and the Limits of Current Debates. Religions 12(2): 87. (co-author Martin Fárek)
2020 Who is, and Who Is Not a Pagan? Struggles in Defining Contemporary Paganism. The Pomegranate: International Journal of Pagan Studies 22(2): 125–145
2017 The Image of Paganism in the British Romanticism. Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies 19(2): 141–165.
2016 The Image of Paganism in the Age of Reason: From Idolatry towards a Secular Concept of Polytheism. Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies 18(2): 125–149.
2014 Vliv novodobého hermetismu na novopohanství [An Influence of modern Hermeticism on Contemporary Paganism] Theologická revue 85(3): 384–400.
2013 Společenství Cesty Síly: Jediismus v České republice [The Fellowship of the Force: Jeediism in the Czech Republic] Lidé města/Urban People 15(1): 49–64.
Book Chapters
2017 Keltské svátky: staré tradice nebo moderní invence? [The Celtic Festivals: Ancient Traditions or a Modern Invention?] In: Šteffl, Jindřich – Hentschová, Radka (eds.): Hradiště Hrádek u Libochovan. Výsledky archeologického nedestruktivního výzkumu (2013–2016). Teplice: Regionální muzeum v Teplicích. pp. 111–124.
Past Projects and Grants
2023 Jan Hus Educational Foundation Stipend
Board Memberships
Ongoing CEENASWE: Central and Eastern European Network for the Academic Study of Western Esotericism; a regional network of ESSWE, Member of the Steering Committee
External Reviewing
Journal Articles Manuscript Review: Aries, Český lid; Journal of Contemporary Religion; Lidé města/Urban People; Open Theology; Religions; Religious Studies Review
Invited Talks, Public Lectures or Roundtables
2024 May, 7. Orthodoxy and Otherness. Institute of Ethnology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia.
2024 May, 7. Slavic Paganism and Nation-building. Faculty of Philology, University of Serbia, Serbia.
2019 December, 5. Role pohanství v intelektuálních dějinách západu [Role of Paganism in the European Intellectual History]. Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University, Prague.
2019 March, 12. Paganism and Religions of the Others: English Deists and David Hume. University of Amsterdam, The Centre for the History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents, The Netherlands.
2015 March, 25. The Influence of Christianity on Neo-Paganism and the Study of Religions. University College Cork, Department for the Study of Religions, Cork, Ireland.
Teaching Experience
2024 Lecturer in Religious Studies, University of Vienna, Austria.
2014–2018 Lecturer in Religious Studies, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic.
Conference and Workshop Organisation
2022 October, 6–7. Critical Heritage Studies: Central European Perspectives. Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Prague, Czech Republic, (co-organisers Jiří Woitsch – Jaroslav Otčenášek).
2021 September 27–29. The 4th CEENASWE Conference: Occultism and Politics in East-Central Europe. Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Association for Social Anthropology in cooperation with European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism, The Central and Eastern European Network (CEENASWE). Prague, Czech Republic. (co-organiser Karolina Maria Hess).
2020 October, 2–4. Nadpřirozené Československo: magie, okultismus a víra v nadpřirozeno v kontextu utváření moderního státu [Supernatural Czechoslovakia: magic, occultism, and the supernatural beliefs in the context of modern state formation]. Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Acacemy of Sciences, and Czech Association for Social Anthropology, Český Krumlov, Czech Republic. (co-organisers Herza, Filip – Slavková, Markéta.)
2020 September, 2–5. Locating Religion and Nonreligion in Eastern/Central Europe. V4Net Anthropologists Network, Warszaw, Poland. (co-organisers Halemba, Agnieszka – Podolinska, Tatiana – Henig, David.)
Consultancy and Expert Advice
2024 June and December. Esoterické česko [Esoteric Czechia]. Czech TV Documentary on contemporary esoteric, occult, and alternative beliefs and spiritualities. Screenplay editing and consultancy. Featured as an expert in shooting of all five episodes.
2023 Continuous. DK Press (a division of Penguin), consulting expert on a forthcoming children’s book series on spirituality
Public Outreach
2024 December, 24. Před Ježíškem tu byli pohané a zase se vrací. Proč roste počet moderních pohanů? [Before Baby Jesus, there were pagans, and they are coming back. Why is the number of modern pagans growing?] Czech Radio; Radio Wave: Balanc Podcast Interview.
2024 October, 31. Religionista Pavel Horák: Pohanství může být za půl století nový mainstream [Study of Religion scholar Pavel Horák: Paganism can become a new mainstream]. Právo – Salon. Newspaper interview by Zuzana Kultánová.
2024 August, 1. Stará božstva se vracejí. Co hledají tisíce Čechů v pohanství? [The old deities are coming back. What thousands of Czechs seek in Paganism?] Respekt journal. Podcast interview.
2024 July, 3. Nechtějí, aby jim někdo říkal, v co mají věřit, vysvětluje religionista vzestup pohanství [They don't want anyone telling them what to believe, religious studies scholar explains the rise of paganism]. Czech TV. ČT24: Události komentáře. Live interview.
2023 O magii a čarodějnictví jako novém pohanství [On Magic and Witchcraft as a New Paganism. The Czech Academy of Sciences Podcast.
2023 Otto Wichterle Award