Přemysl Mácha
Přemysl Mácha
PhDr. Přemysl Mácha, Ph.D.
Tel: 737314312
E-mail: macha@eu.cas.cz
ORCID: 0000-0001-9985-1064
ResearchGate Premysl Macha
1999–2004 – Institute of Ethnology, Charles University, Prague, Czech Rep., field: Ethnology, Doctor of Philosophy
1997–1998 – Syracuse University, New York, USA, field: Political Science, Master of Arts
1995–1997 – Eastern New Mexico University, New Mexico, USA, fields: Anthropology, Political Science, Spanish, Bachelor of Arts
1994–1995 – Owensboro Community College, Owensboro, Kentucky, USA
2019 – present – Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic, Researcher
2000–2018 – University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Cultural Geography
1998–2003 – Children of the Earth, Czech Republic, environmental project manager, fundraiser, campaigner
Areas of Interest
Anthropology of place and landscape, language and identity, toponymy, environmental anthropology, environmental history, nature conservation, ethnohistory, cultural heritage
Current Projects
Former Projects
2018–2023 – LIFE Osmoderma eremita species conservation in SCI Poodří (coordinator, socio-economic monitoring, European Commission, Czech Ministry of the Environment)
2020–2022 – Traces of human ingenuity (principal investigator, program NAKI II, Czech Ministry of Culture)
2016–2018 – The politics and poetics of toponymy, identity and place in multilingual areas. A comparative study of Carinthia, Austria, and the Těšín Region, Czech Republic (principal investigator, Austrian Science Fund)
2011–2014 – Place Names as Cultural Heritage (principal investigator, Czech Ministry of Culture)
2013 – Geographical Imaginations and Foreign Policy (principal investigator, University of Ostrava)
2006–2008 – Indigenous Nationalism in Mexico (principal investigator, Czech Science Foundation)
Books and editorship
2022. Stopy lidského umu. Předindustriální technické provozy na území někdejšího panství Rožnov. Brno: Masarykova univerzita a Etnologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. (spoluautoři Bajer, Vojtěch – Bryol, Radek – Bubík, Miroslav – Červenka, Radim – Drápala, Daniel – Michalička, Václav – Petřeková, Jitka – Španihel, Samuel – Tlapáková, Lenka – Woitsch, Jiří).
2021. Place-Names Politics in Multilingual Areas. A comparative Study of Southern Carinthina (Austria) and the Těšín/Cieszyn Region (Czechia). Palgrave-MacMillan, 2021 (with Jordan, P. et al.)
2014. Masks of Identity: Representing and Performing Otherness in Latin America. Přemysl Mácha – Eloy Gómez-Pellón (eds.) Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishers. Editor and author of two chapters:
- Otherness in Latin American History and Anthropology: 1–14 (with Eloy Gómez-Pellón);
- The Comanches of New Mexico – Dancing with the Other in the Latin American Borderlands: 125–143.
2014. Názvy míst – paměť, identita, kulturní dědictví. [Place Names – Memory, Identity, Cultural Heritage]. Brno: Host (with Jaroslav David).
2014. Tajemství v názvech ukrytá [Secrets Hidden in Place Names]. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita.
2009. Lighting the Bonfire, Rebuilding the Pyramid. Case Studies in Identity, Ethnicity and Nationalism in Indigenous Communities in Mexico. Přemysl Mácha (ed.) Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě. Editor and author of two chapters:
- Opening Remarks on the Politics of Identity and the Politics of Writing about It: 7–17;
- From an Ethnie to a Nation: The Purhepechas on the Road to National Self-Determination: 83–123.
2004. Indiáni a volební demokracie. Politické proměny indiánských obcí Mexika. [Indians and the Electoral Democracy. The Political Transformations of Indigenous Communities in Mexico]. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita.
2003. Plamínek v horách, požár v nížině: indiánské povstání v mexickém Chiapasu [A Small Flame in the Mountains, a Conflagration in the Lowlands: An Indian Uprising in Chiapas]. Brno: Nakladatelství Doplněk.
Book Chapters
2021. Migrants and migration in the linguistic landscape of Brno, Czechia. In: Dollimore, A.; Jordan, P. (eds.): Place Names and Migration. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač: 239–255.
2016. Před kým, (s) kým, pro koho? Dilemata v ochraně zeměpisných jmen jako kulturního dědictví [From whom, with whom, for whom? Dilemas in the protection of place names as cultural heritage]. In: David, Jaroslav (ed.): Toponyma – kulturní dědictví a paměť míst. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita: 14–31.
2014. Place Names, Landscape, and Identity. In: Bedynski, Wojciech – Povedák, István (eds.): Landscape as a factor in creating identity. Warsaw: Dance House Society: 29–38.
2014. Proměny toponymie a krajiny na příkladu Velkých Karlovic, Karolinky a Nového Hrozenkova. [Transformations of toponymy and landscape – a case study of Velké Karlovice, Karolinka and Nový Hrozenkov]. In: Urbanová, Svatava et al.: Valašsko. Historie a kultura. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě: 429–442
2013. Resistance through Tourism: Identity, Imagery, and Tourism Marketing in New Mexico. In: Sarmento, Joao – Brito-Henriques, Eduardo (eds.): Tourism in the Global South: Heritages, Identities and Development. Lisbon: University of Lisbon, Centre for Geographical Studies: 91–112.
2012. Krajina a krajinomalba - výchozí teze ke studiu krajiny. [Landscape and landscaping – some thoughts on the study of landscape]. In: Malura, Jan – Tomášek, Martin (eds.): Krajina. Vytváření prostoru v literatuře a výtvarném umění. 1. vyd. Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě. Filozofická fakulta, 40–54.
2011. The Scale of Globalization and the Geographies of Resistance. In: Mácha, Přemysl – Drobík, Tomáš (eds.): The Scale of Globalization. Global, Local, Individual. Ostrava: University of Ostrava: 35–42 (with Drobík, Tomáš).
2010. Mexický paradox? Obraz a realita v proměnách postavení domorodých obyvatel Mexika [The Mexican Paradox? Image and Reality in the Transformation of the Position of Indigenous Communites in Mexico]. In: Hingarová V. – Květinová, S. – Eichlová, G. (eds.): Mexiko – 200 let nezávislosti. Červený Kostelec: Pavel Mervart, 113–129.
Journal articles
2023. Wherein lies the heritage value of place names? Onoma 58: 19–35. DOI: 10.34158/ONOMA.58/2023/2
2023. Urbanonymie malých sídel na příkladu Moravy–explorativní analýza. (Urbanonyms in small settlements. An explorative analysis of Moravia.) Acta Onomastica 64 (1), 88-103. Available: https://doi.org/10.58756/a16453906.
2023. The challenges and possibilities in the reconstruction of non-forest woody vegetation: A case study of the hermit beetle microhabitat in the Poodří region, Czechia. Applied Geography 150 (1). Available: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2022.102827 (with Červenka, Radim – Tlapáková, Lenka).
2021. Small technical heritage objects in the cultural landscape: research possibilities and conservation challenges. Národopisná revue 31 (5): 3–20 (with Bryol, Radek – Tlapáková, Lenka – Červenka, Radim – Bajer, Vojtěch).
2021. Jazyk a krajina v antropologickém výzkumu [Language and landscape in anthropological research]. Český lid, Etnologický časopis 108 (4): 403–430.
2021. Researching place name politics in multilingual areas: experiences and challenges. Onomàstica 7: 85–111 (with Obrusnik, Uršula).
2020. Dvojjazyčné nápisy na Těšínsku aneb těšínský venkov jako experiment s pluralitou [Bilingual signs in the Těšín region or the Těšín countryside as an experiment with plurality]. Národopisná revue 30 (3), 191–201.
2020. The Symbolic Power of Place Names: The Case of the River Olše/Olza/Łolza in Northeastern Czechia. Names 68 (3): 169–184.
2018. City Divided: Place Names and Nationalism in the Czech-Polish Borderlands. Mitteilungen der Österreichischer Geographischer Gesellschaft 160: 303–329 (with Krtička, Luděk a Lassak, Horst).
2017. Krajinný motiv na lidovém malovaném nábytku [The landscape motive on painted folk furniture]. Národopisný věstník – Bulletin d‘ethnologie 76 (2): 36–62 (with Krtička, Luděk).
2017. Ethnicity in Space and Everyday Practice: an Outline of a General Framework with Examples from New Mexico. Ethnologia Actualis 17 (1): 8–38.
2016. Exonyms as Metaphoric Endonyms: World History and Geography in Local Landscapes. In: Jordan, Peter – Woodman, Paul (eds.): Criteria for the Use of Exonyms. Proceedings of the 17th UNGEGN Working Group on Exonyms Meeting, Zagreb, 14-16 May 2015. Dr. Kovač Verlag, Hamburg: 99–114 (with Krtička, Luděk).
2015. Ani příroda ani kultura (antropologické inspirace) [Neither nature nor culture – anthropological inspirations]. The Journal of Culture 4 (2): 17–24.
2015. Geopolitické představy české veřejnosti [Geopolitical imaginations of the Czech public]. Geografie 120 (4): 564–584 (with Drobík, Tomáš – Šumberová, Monika – Ženka, Jan – Tenzin, Eva – Špirková, Petronela).
2013. Krajiny. Příspěvek k diskuzi o konceptualizaci krajiny v (české) geografii. (Landscapes: a contribution to the discussion about the conceptualization of landscape in (Czech) geography) Geografie 118 (1): 1–15.
2012. Možnosti studia toponym ve vztahu ke krajině, prostoru a identitě [The possibilities of studying toponyms in relation to landscape, space and identity]. Acta Onomastica 53: 28–45 (with David, Jaroslav).
2012. Study of the occurrence and distribution of "Iezer" and "Bolătău" - based toponyms in Romania and their counterparts from Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovenia. Georeview 21 (1): 68–79 (with Granidaru, Ionela – Iosep, Ioan – Pociask-Karteczka, Joanna – Brancelj, Anton).
2010. Knowing One's Place in the Era of Globalization: A Case Study of the Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech Automobile Plant in Nošovice, Czech Republic. Annual of Language & Politics and Politics of Identity 4 (4): 75–90 (with Drobík, Tomáš).
2010. Krajiny antropologie a antropologie krajiny [The landscapes of anthropology and the anthropology of landscape]. Český lid 97 (3): 225–246.
2008. When Malinche Dances with Montezuma. Religion, Ethnicity and Cultural Change in New Mexico. KIAS Papers Yearbook 2008. Hradec Králové: Centre of Ibero-American Studies, The Faculty of Arts, The University of Hradec Králové: 20–27.
2007. Tradition, Democracy, and Radicalism in Indigenous Communities in Mexico. Lessons for the Universalist-Relativist and Individualist-Communitarian Debates. Ethnologia Actualis Slovaca 7: 113–134.
2007. Los Comanches de Nuevo México. Hybridita, autenticita a politika identity v Novém Mexiku [Los Comanches de Nuevo México. Hybridity, Authenticity and Identity Politics in New Mexico]. Český lid 94 (2): 141–156.
2007. Velký nacionalismus malých národů. Lekce z Mexika a Nového Mexika [Great Nationalism of Small Nations. Lessons from Mexico and New Mexico]. Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty Ostravské univerzity, No. 235/2007, Philosophica/Sociologica/Psychologica 12: 36–48.
2006. Los Matachines. Identita a politika v Novém Mexiku na příkladu tance [Los Matachines: Identity and Politics in New Mexico as Exemplified by a Dance]. Český lid 93 (2): 179–198.
2006. Teoretické úvahy o nacionalismu [Theoretical reflections on nationalism]. Psychologie/Sociologie/Filozofie - Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty Ostravské univerzity 11: 151–166.
2003. The Rise of the Purhepechan Nation: Democratization, Economic Restructuring and Ethnic Revival among the Purhepecha Indians of Central Michoacan, Mexico. Journal for the Study of Science and Ideologies 5: 83–102.
2003. Modernizace, demokratizace a nacionalismus v indiánských obcích Mexika [Modernization, democratization and nationalism in indigenous communities in Mexico]. Český lid 90 (4): 313–334.
Lighting the Bonfire. Purhepechas on the Road to National Self-Determination. Ostrava: University of Ostrava, 2008. 33 min.
Teaching experience
Anthropology and Cultural Geography
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Politics of Ethnicity and Nationalism
Anthropology of Space, Place, and Landscape
Social Science Research Methods
New Approaches in Cultural Geography
Indigenous Peoples of Mexico and Central America
The American Southwest: Stories of a Landscape
Latin America
Culture and Landscape
Introduction to World Religions
Political Science
Environmental Politics
Non-Governmental Organizations and Civic Activism – Theory and Practice
Political Ideologies
Introduction to Political Science
Introduction to International Relations
Other relevant Experience
Development, staffing and supervision of a bachelor’s program in NGO management at the University of Ostrava
Guest lectures at Charles University, Palacky University, Masaryk University (Czech Republic), University of Lisbon, University of Minho, University of Coimbra (Portugal), University of Seville, University of Barcelona, University of Granada (Spain), University of Bologna (Italy), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), University of Zadar (Croatia), Opole University (Poland), University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, University of Banska Bystrica (Slovakia), University of Oslo (Norway), and University of New Mexico, Eastern New Mexico University (USA)
Archaeological fieldwork and lab experience in France, Kentucky and New Mexico
Operation of a small organic farm (2007–2015)
Member of the editorial board of the anthropological journal Ethnologia Actualis Slovaca
Member of the research group Grupo Iberamericano de Investigación en Diversidad Cultural y Cambio Social, University of Cantabria, Spain (http://www.unican.es/srv/GruposInves/DetalleGrupoFrw.aspx)
2008–present – member of several permanent committees of the Pražmo village council
2015–2017 – member of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava
2007–2015 – member of the Board of Trustees, Hyundai Fund, Czech Republic
2007–2008 – member of the Academic Senate of the Philosophical Faculty, University of Ostrava
2003–2005 – member of the Academic Senate, University of Ostrava
Professional Awards
Fulbright Masaryk Scholar, University of New Mexico, USA, 2005–2006