Yanush Panchenko
Yanush Panchenko
from 2018 Ph.D. Student, History and Archaeology, Zaporizhzhia National University
2018 Mgr., Secondary Education (History), Kherson State University
2016 B.A., International Tourism, National Aviation University
Culture, Identity and History of the Roma in Ukraine and Southern Russia; Romani Nomadic Pasts and Folklore; Vlaxicko, Servicko, and Crimean Romani Dialects; Ukrainian Roma in the Context of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine; Romani Migration; Romani Participation in the Armed Conflict.
My research spans several areas. The first focuses on studying the nomadic ways of life, traditional cultures, and economic activities of Romani groups in the 20th century, particularly the Servur’a, Vlaxur’a, and Crimean Roma. I also examine their contemporary traditional cultures and lifestyles, as well as the potential recognition of Roma groups in Ukraine as indigenous peoples.
The second area of my research is in the linguistics of Romani dialects. Specifically, I have focused on the study of the Vlaxicko and Servicko dialects, which led to the compilation of the first Vlaxicko Dialect Dictionary, currently in preparation for publication.
Since the onset of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, I have been investigating migration patterns of Ukrainian Roma and their adaptation to conditions of forced migration, particularly to Germany. My research also examines the impact of war and migration on Roma traditional culture and explores the participation of Ukrainian Roma in the Russo-Ukrainian war.
Beyond my academic work, I am actively involved in informal education for Roma youth. I have published educational materials for Romani children, Adinoj tai pistroj rromanes /Ćiti aj skrii rroman'es [Read and Write in Romani], together with co-authors Ilona Makhotina and Mykola Dorokhmanov. Furthermore, I work on translating literature into the Romani language, such as, the My First Bible in Pictures into the Vlaxicko dialect.
Journal Articles
2024 Decline in xenophobia towards Roma in Ukraine: An analysis of recent public opinion trends. Ekonomichna ta Sotsialna Geografiya / Економічна та соціальна географія 92: 104–113. (сo-authors Zharonkin Valentyn – Danylenko, Igor – Homanyuk, Mykola)
2023 Servur'a and Krym'a (Crimean Roma) as indigenous peoples of Ukraine. Etnografia Polska 67(1–2): 155–173. (сo-author Homanyuk, Mykola)
2023 From a Pilfered Nail to a Stolen Tank: The Role of a Media Event in the Consolidation of the Ukrainian Political Nation.TRAFO – Blog for Transregional Research, xx.03.2023, https://trafo.hypotheses.org/46010. (сo-author Homanyuk, Mykola)
2020 Календарная обрядность цыган-влахов и сэрвов во второй половине XX — начале XXI века. Revista de Etnologie şi CulturologieXXVII(1): 54–64. (сo-author Makhotina, Ilona)
2019 Традиционный костюм цыган-сэрвов и влахов. Scriptorium nostrum 1(12): 254–267. (сo-author Makhotina, Ilona)
2019 Традиционное жилище и элементы неоседлого быта цыган-влахов и сэрвов // Revista de Etnologie şi Culturologie XXVI (2): 22–30. (сo-author Makhotina, Ilona)
Book Chapters
2024 Ukrainian Roma: Facing the challenges of the Russian-Ukrainian war and displacement. In: E. Muratova & N. Zasanska (Eds.), Minorities at War: Cultural Identity and Resilience in Ukraine. London: Routledge, pp. 262–287. (сo-authors Zharonkin, Valentyn – Homanyuk, Mykola)
2018 Традиционное жилище, одежда, календарные праздники и обряды (Главы 6 и 9). In: А. В. Черных, К. А. Кожанов, Г. Н. Цветков, И. Ю. Махотина, Я. А. Панченко, 2018. В Н. Г. Деметер, А. В. Черных (Ред.), Цыгане. Институт этнологии и антропологии им. Н. Н. Миклухо-Маклая РАН. Москва: Наука, pp. 218–233, 251–273, 336–360).
Complete Bibliography (PDF)
Ongoing Projects and Grants
2024–2026 Unequal citizenship and transnational mobilisation of Polish, Czech, and Ukrainian Roma in the face of war in Ukraine. GACR-NCN, Weave Lead Agency Project (GACR 24-14388L). Researcher.
Board Membership
Ongoing Latcho Dives Program. EVZ Foundation. Member of the Advisory Board.
Ongoing Ukrainian Cultural Foundation. Expert in the Expert Council of the Cultural Heritage" and Culture and Regions programs.
Invited Talks, Public Lectures or Roundtable
2025 March 20. Roma culture and the community’s heritage in Ukraine. University of Michigan, Slavic Department, online.
2025 February 22. Roma Culture in Ukraine: Contributions, Challenges, and the path forward. UkraineVision 2025: Culture Dialogues, Stockholm.
2025 January 28. Roma in Ukraine: Antar Rashtriya Sahayog Parishad, Modernity and Challenges of the War. Centre for Studies and Cultural Relations, online.
2024 October 13, Monitoring the Human Rights of Roma Affected by the Armed Conflict in Ukraine. Warsaw Human Dimension Conference, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), Warsaw, Poland.
Consultancy and Expert Advice
2017 Основные статистические показатели цыган Херсонской области 2016-2017 гг. (опыт этносоциологического исследования). Днепр: Середняк Т.К.