An intellectual and political history of non-territorial autonomy - or, what Moravia, Ukraine and Estonia have in common
An intellectual and political history of non-territorial autonomy - or, what Moravia, Ukraine and Estonia have in common
Mon Aug 26 09:41:18 CEST 2024
Börries Kuzmany's lecture at CEFRES Library on Tuesday, Sep 10th, at 14:00 (CET)
The Institute of Ethnology, in collaboration with CEFRES (Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales), invites you to a lecture by Börries Kuzmany, titled "An Intellectual and Political History of Non-Territorial Autonomy - Or, What Moravia, Ukraine, and Estonia Have in Common." This event will take place on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 14:00 (CET) at the CEFRES Library, with the option to attend online via Zoom (Meeting ID: 882 8705 1005; Passcode: 722286)
The lecture explores the idea and political practice of non-territorial autonomy in European history. Non-territorial autonomy is a concept to deal with national diversity within states. The paper explores developments in the Habsburg Monarchy and in Russia - analyzes transfer processes and relates them to the idea and practice in the interwar period. Between the revolution of 1848 and the beginning of the Second World War, non-territorial autonomy proved to be an extremely flexible instrument. It was able to adapt to different political and ideological conditions and yet always retained the two basic parameters - namely a national group as a legal entity and the self-administration of certain areas of responsibility. In my presentation, I will point in particular to the Moravian part of this story, as the national compromise (Moravské vyrovnání) of 1905 contained many elements of non-territorial autonomy.
The talk is based on a recent monograph Vom Umgang mit nationaler Vielfalt. Eine Geschichte der nicht-territorialen Autonomie in Europa (Link to the book) and is the synthesis of the ERC project Non-Territorial Autonomy. History of a Travelling Idea
A historian and slavicist by training, Börries Kuzmany is an associate professor for Modern History of Central and Eastern Europe at the University of Vienna. He received his PhD in a joint doctoral programme from the Universities of Vienna and Paris Sorbonne in 2009, and later worked at the CEU Budapest and the Austrian Academy of Sciences. His research focus is on Central and Eastern Europe between the late 18th and the 20th Century, the Habsburg Empire, Poland, Ukraine and the Soviet Union in particular. He is interested in the history of nationalism, ethno-confessional diversity, borders, and languages, as well as in urban and Jewish history. Between 2018-2023 he was the principal investigator of the ERC-funded project “Non-Territorial Autonomy as Minority Protection in Europe”.
Personal website: https://homepage.univie.ac.at/boerries.kuzmany/en/
Project website: https://ntautonomy.univie.ac.at/en/
We hope to see you in Prague or online!
Poster in pdf here.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
The event is supported by ERC Grant (MEMPOP, 10107609) and hosted by the French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences (CEFRES, MEAE–CNRS)