
Romani Chords in Seven Videos

Romani Chords in Seven Videos

Wed Oct 16 10:09:09 CEST 2024

Audiovisual recording of Petr Nuska's lecture at the Gypsy Lore Society Annual Meeting in Sofia.
The three audiovisual lectures on Romani chords conclude with Petr Nuska's presentation at this year's Gypsy Lore Society conference in Sofia. In this lecture, he discusses seven short videos that represent different perspectives on how we can view the phenomenon of Romani chords in the context of contemporary anthropology – be it theories of ethnicity, economic anthropology, musical socialisation, musical cognition or the emic categories of aesthetics. The videos come not only from the author's fieldwork but also from the exhibition Lavutara: The Paths of Romani Musicians and Their Songs, which was organised by the Museum of Romani Culture in Brno in 2019. This museum is one of the partners of the RomChords MSCA-PF research project, within the framework of which Petr's research is being conducted.
If you are interested in the topic of Romani chords, you can also listen to a recording of a more than one-hour lecture of an internal seminar of the Institute of Ethnology of the CAS, or a recording of a lecture from the ESEM conference, which presents the phenomenon of Romani chords from an (ethno)musicological perspective.