
Erica von Essen

Erica von Essen

Erica von Essen2Erica von Essen, Ph.D.

Research Associate

Oddělení ekologické antropologie

E-mail : essen[at]



2016   Ph.D. in Environmental Communication, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

2012   Master’s Degree in Sustainable Development, Uppsala University

2010   Bachelor of Social Sciences, Uppsala University (geography, social anthropology)


2020-          Researcher, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA)

2019-2020   Associate Professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

2018-2020   Postdoc, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

2013-2016   PhD Candidate, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences


Granty a projektový management

2020-2023   License to Cull: Investigating the Necropolitics of Countryside Culling and Urban Pest Control – FORMAS Research Council, Young Researchers (project leader), 3 M SEK

2020-2024   Work package leader for Empirical Opening #5 in ERC Project “Veterinarization of Europe: Hunting for Wild Boar Futures in the Time of African Swine Fever’”

2018-2020   Swedish Hunting Association – 100,000 SEK for 2020 (project leader)

Swedish Hunting Association – 100,000 SEK for 2019 (project leader)

Swedish Hunting Association – 100,000 SEK for 2018 (project leader)

2019           Animal welfare and ethical challenges in animal-based tourism, 2019. Funded by Future Animals, Nature and Health (project leader). 50,000 SEK

2018-2021   Challenges Facing Swedish Hunting Ethics - Viltvårdsfonden, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, 4.5 M SEK 2018-2021 (project leader)



2014-2020   140+ citations in Swedish media; 3 TV appearances, 10 radio appearances, open house and faculty day presentations, and regular media liaison for wolf and hunting issues


Pedagogická činnost a supervize

2 PhD students, 22+ master’s thesis students

2017 Pedagogical Prize, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Course leader for Independent Master Thesis Course, Interdisciplinary Practice within Masters Programme Sustainable Development, Communication Theory & Strategy Environmental Communication. Environmental Communication and Management Masters programme, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences


von Essen, E.; Lindsjö, J.; Berg, C. Instagranimal: Animal Welfare and Animal Ethics Challenges of Animal-Based Tourism. Animals 2020, 10von Essen, E.; Allen, M.; Tickle, L. Game of Drones: On the Moral Significance of Deception in Modern Sport Hunting. Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 2020, 4, 137-157.

von Essen, E., and M. Allen. (2020). Killing with kindness: when hunters want to let you know they care. Human Dimensions of Wildlife:1-17. 10.1080/10871209.2020.1800145

Tickle, L., and E. von Essen. (2020). The seven sins of hunting tourism. Annals of Tourism Research 84:

von Essen, E., & Allen, M. (2020). ‘Not the Wolf Itself’: Distinguishing Hunters’ Criticisms of Wolves from Procedures for Making Wolf Management Decisions. Ethics, Policy & Environment, 1-17.

Joosse, S., Powell, S., Bergeå, H., Böhm, S., Calderón, C., Caselunghe, E., Fischer, A., Grubbström, A., Hallgren, L., Holmgren, S., Löf, A., Källström, H. N., Raitio, K., Senecah, S., Kanarp, C. S., von Essen, E., Westberg, L., & Westin, M. (2020). Critical, Engaged and Change-oriented Scholarship in Environmental Communication. Six Methodological Dilemmas to Think with. Environmental Communication, 1-14.

von Essen, E. (2020). The Changing Wildlife Tableau of Hunting Magazine Covers. Society & Animals, 1-23.

von Essen, E. Tickle, L (2019). Leisure or Labour: An Identity Crisis for Modern Hunting? Sociologica Ruralis.

von Essen, E. and M. Allen (2019). "Political Deliberation and Compromise: Why People-Nature Reconciliation Must Be about People-People Reconciliation." Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies 17(1): 55-66.

von Essen, E. and H. P. Hansen (2019). "Reconciliation, Welcoming of the Wild, and the Desire to Turn Back Time " Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies 17(1): 1-4.

von Essen, E., van Heijgen, E, Gieser, T. (2019). "Hunting communities of practice: Factors behind the social differentiation of hunters in modernity." Journal of Rural Studies 68: 13-21.

von Essen, E. 2019. How Wild Boar Hunting is Becoming a Battleground. Journal of Leisure Sciences.

Allen, M. and E. von Essen 2018. "Animal Resistors: On the Right of Resistance and Human Duties of Non-Return and Abolition    " Critical Animal Studies 15(6): 3-28 

von Essen, E. 2018. "We Need to Talk…” Evolving Conversations about Ethics in Hunting Press 1960s-today”. Humanimalia 10: 1

Peterson, M. N., von Essen, E., Hansen, H. P., & Peterson, T. R. 2018. Shoot shovel and sanction yourself: Self-policing as a response to wolf poaching among Swedish hunters. Ambio. doi:10.1007/s13280-018-1072-5

von Essen, E. 2018. The impact of modernization on hunting ethics: Emerging taboos among contemporary Swedish hunters. Human Dimensions of Wildlife,23 (1): 21-38

von Essen, E. Hansen, H.P. Peterson, M.N. Peterson, T.R. 2017. Discourses on Illegal Hunting in Sweden: The Meaning of Silence and Resistance. Environmental Sociology, DOI: 10.1080/23251042.2017.1408446

von Essen, E. and M.P. Allen. 2017. Taking prejudice seriously: Burkean reflections on the rural past and present. Sociologia Ruralis,  10.1111/soru.12183

von Essen, E., and Allen, M.P. 2017. “From Obstructionism to Communication: Local, National and Transnational Dimensions of Contestations on the Swedish Wolf Cull Controversy” Environmental Communication. DOI: 10.1080/17524032.2016.1269821, pp. 1-13

von Essen, E. Allen, M. 2016. ”Wild-But-Not-Too-Wild Animals: Challenging Goldilocks Standards in Rewilding”. Between the Species, 19(1) 80-108

von Essen, E. 2015. “Whose discourse is it anyway? Understanding resistance through the rise of ‘barstool biology’ in nature conservation”. Journal of Environmental Communication. DOI:10.1080/17524032.2015.1042986

von Essen, E., and Allen, M.P. 2015. "Reconsidering Illegal Hunting as a Crime of Dissent: Implication for Justice and Deliberative Uptake. " Criminal Law & Philosophy:1-16. doi: 10.1007/s11572-014-9364-8.

von Essen, E., Hansen, H.P., Nordström Källström, H., Peterson, M.N., and Peterson, T.R. 2014. "Deconstructing the Poaching Phenomenon: A Review of Typologies for Understanding Illegal Hunting." British Journal of Criminology no. 54 (4):632-651.


Vybrané popularizační články

2020 Von Essen, E. Jerlström, J. Tickle, L. Fruntimmer i Skogen, men Jägarinna på Instagram. Jaktojägare nr 1/2 2020.

2018 von Essen. E. 2018. Samma språk – olika natursyner [”Same Language, Different Nature Views”]. Biodiverse. Nr.2/2018, pp. 12-13

2017 von Essen, E., Hansen, H.P., Nordström Källström, H., Peterson, M.N., and Peterson, T.R. 2017. On Illegal Killings of Wildlife in Fennoscandia: Symposium Report. Urban and Rural Reports, 2017:1

2017 von Essen, E. Jaktojägare. Nr 12, 2017.Försköning och Vita Lögner i Jaktbilder [”Censoring and White Lies in Hunting Images”]. Nytt & Noterat, p. 13

2017 von Essen, E. (2017). Vi måste förstå drivkrafterna [”We have to understand the drivers”]. Svensk Jakt. Nr. 2. 2017, p. 21

2017 von Essen, E (2017). Därför tar vissa jägare lagen i egna händer [“Why some hunters take the law into their own hands”]. Svensk Jakt. Nr. 1, 2017.

2015 von Essen, E., Hansen, H.P., Nordström Källström, H., Peterson, M.N., and Peterson, T.R. 2015. ”Toward a critical and interdisciplinary understanding of illegal hunting: a synthesis of Copenhagen research workshop findings” Urban and Rural Reports. 2015:1